
May 20, 2007

Berkeley > Garland

Been back here in Garland helping mom at Deli. Today is two weeks. Came with intention of helping her until help arrives. Doing well to that intention. Figured if i'm reading books and watching movies might as well do it in Dallas helping mother. Spent some nice time at alamo park near ma's deli under a grove of trees on a park bench. Checking shitload of great films from the library!

Been helping ma open early by making soi, two greens and one purple, with mung and coco and salt/sugar mix. Doing well to get things done by escaping thru music, audiobooks, and film. Almost got involved in an live-in pet sitter situation. Sold one gun for Lu! felt amazing, like I was closer to my dream of being a traveling salesman!

Looking at my options of returning to Berkeley and when or other options for the summer, Flagstaff? Stay in Garland? Went out with siblings back to Mesquite and saw growth, change, sameness. Had wingstop and shared intimacies with Aunt Van from Viet Nam over the shoulder conversation.