
March 27, 2011

I don't know why but i've been receiving messages to connect with my loneliness. As though i need to feel sad Things are going very well in my life i'm hopeful of the fture and yet I've been encouraged by several people to reconnect with my dad. But they don't know about what I've seen. They don't know how deep the hurt goes. I'm trying my best to turn a sadness into empowerment.

March 25, 2011

Yo this is so awesome. I'm back dawg. I'm back! i can speak my mind! anytone can come and read all mty weird thoughts . this is so cool. People have no idea just how strange i am. this is sso fun. a place for my head. a place to express myslef freely. what a riot. I wonder if this iss acutally a good idea. i mean who i nthe world visits this timy little blog anyways?
so I guess we'll see
i'm always writing, always thihking. comone but I want to produce something for oepeple ot read. if they associate my writing as just a bunch if stupid stuff. then i don't know maybe they may not come for visit after all. well if they associate me y blog with being never updated then they won't visit either. i dunno. i guess this really is aformat to be myself and to wrtie drats. in the making. I have no idea. let's see where this goes. wait, you read my blog? that's insamne! that's crazy. perhaps i should not write all these carzy things. chuckles at self. Am i really that weird? I guess so man.

random, thoughts