Actions by Pain
Lack of Progress
see progress log
see how close we are
minigoal what remains to be done
quantify goal
options: volunteer video 1/30
Blah, Uninspirng
Lack Confidence
Revamp Beliefs
Action Log
create perfect service vacation
what have others done
what have we done in the past
what qualities perfect service vacation
3/12 bittersweet video
collect film, convert wmv
insert sd card
open wmm add files
preview files in vplayer
see tribute video
Edit Massage Barter Ad
copy sf ad
Chat on FB
hook a massage trade
add for nice cooked meal
message some facebook friends
make our affirmations art
manage our needs
manage our communication
Overwhelmed > break down tasks/minigoal
if not I feel it's too much to accomplish, all we do is repeats and read and repeat patterns, and the pleasure of accomplishing a challenging task
grooves instrumentals, timed
close eyes watch for patterns, just start and see what comes up
what have others done, what have we done in the past
I could have done more > Grow
Ashleigh and Brianne are hurting
Vatos in Pain
attend facebook
send a hello
what happens if they are needy?
Jenny, Ken, Cameron, Shin, Tommy
gift bday
Eyes Sore
listen tapes
lev 1 decisions
Pain (Avoiding)
Find a new roommate
option let daniel go
Loss of Hard Work
reline our repeat tasks
networth update or lose money
post massage table/chair
options elec bill
Missed Opportunities to Contribute
TX School For Blind
Fill out application
By Location
check out soical cycling wall
Level One Tasks
browse experience
relive all our past experiences and ones we wish
revisit my little dick blog, reserve love travel memoir
elementary school for shows
check thislittlelight
transfer notes
find way from phone to computer
burn discs to external
copy mindmpa completes over to ref's for success
life lessons from death
edwin muir
how to public search calendars
kenny florian life
einstein wife charo story
massage school garland
bruce buffer
research radiology, real estate broker
look up stories of handicapp, blindness, and other challenges
research ut 's battered women's group
wireless internet spots in austin to do film work
GOOGLE team spokeiz, groundhog city, PA, groove shark, homeade cat treats, real estate agent and apartment finder
Eyes Closed
massage, machine
sing, dance, stretch
practice decision making
i pass out gift bags to strangers
dress uniquely
print screen's on tee's
well read
option why do we want
start reading
check out at library
got skills
see love our acts
can paint, play guitar, sing
can play vball, fball, bball
post, reply email, phone/text
reply Alex
stream conciousness/improv/eyes closed
writing skills: main idea, supporting
social skills: management prioritizing, empathy
reframe skills practice!
reach out/(self) empathize
connect with others, practice for future relationships, build skills, contribute! never know what the issue is (variety)
to options playlist, connect to self, improve empathy speed skills
daymeal, smoothies, dishes
fuel for life, take pic to share, talk2mom, really talk on phone,
reply tommy, shay
reassurance list
direction before moni
post, reply email, phone/text
reply Alex
stream conciousness/improv/eyes closed
writing skills: main idea, supporting
social skills: management prioritizing, empathy
reframe skills practice!
reach out/(self) empathize
connect with others, practice for future relationships, build skills, contribute! never know what the issue is (variety)
to options playlist, connect to self, improve empathy speed skills
daymeal, smoothies, dishes
fuel for life, take pic to share, talk2mom, really talk on phone,
reply tommy, shay
reassurance list
direction before moni
open gmail account
how to remain friendly w/ ex
reply chris, noah
consistently motivated
to have our physical and emotional base needs met
emotional needs
to feel desirable/loved/affection
go running, buy nice clothes
love others and by doing so, we love ourselves
create something pleasurable for others
purchase something pleasurable for others
attend children's events
to feel understood, listened to
find that special, optimistic, positive friend
call ut counseling line
touch needs
hook a massage trade
decide ladies
big kelly meetin
qualities: self aware confident
what's worked in the past?
pass out our card
say yes to lady who calls
post ad for massage trade
give out free hugs
decide huggable costume
saver's, target
qualities: promotes laughter
set date/time
hug brian once a day
pay for a massage
hold a baby, kiddoes,
to develop a low-maintenance meal plan
basic physical needs
to live with a sense of purpose/passion
option our reason
what are others doing
try pavlina's cry test
what have we done in the past?
visit blog
what needs must our purpose meet?
what is our desired outcome?
answer purpose project questions
decide what we care about
what do others care about?
what have we cared about in the past?
having fun experiencing new experiences
domestic violence
listening to music
creating films
capturing life, recording, saving for the future
what do you read about?
memoirs, experiences
ufc, self help
gain more experience
what's god got to do with it?
why do we even need a reason?
look through our reasons post
what do these reasons have in common?
Volunteer our time
search for opportunities
otherwise massage and maintenance life is just for me, no meaning
responsible to slump
define challenge
visit slump blogpost
prevent motivation mistakes
prep unique challenges
personal injury
inability to income
loss of loved one
prep everyday mental responses
list stressors
list normal responses
list sustitute responses
create self motivation video
decide approach
organize unfiled video to hippie minority
see repeat video
confident in our ability to get things done
develop references for success
bike to dallas
plan trip
We have a lot more repeat activities for our google calendar
walk on hot coals
climb el capitan!
add connected internet twice
what references 4 success in regards to helping chiuldren
feel confident consistently
believe that i am intelligent
i can see patterns
pretty good at foresight
learn chinese
check out chinese tapes
check out online resources
to posess strong body and mind
Our body feels moderately strong
We have yet to go into a deep deep depression recovery period is not that bad!
find gym nearby
if not we feel like we do when we see shaaw and chinh and ryan wu seem to have things together while we struggle, success. don't care about their material success, but i do need to feel confident in my path and in my intelligence.
make action easier
eyes closed
categorize actions
see funfillment
add smileys to all our mindmap
set our outcome
creat strong reasons when the going gets tough
set questions to redirect focus
how can i use this?
what is good abotu this?
have an excuse to be doing that anyway
example, i was out and about anyway
add another mirror
set your pace, envision long term
change beliefs about taking action
current beliefs
understand and be aware underlying limiting beliefs
get medical check on chronic exhaustion
pictures of motivatoin from underprovided
consistently grateful
deprevation project
challenging life memoirs
third world
social issues
eyes wide shut
managing our depression
manage our chemistry
st. john's wort
get prozac prescription
call map for doc appnt
512-978-9500 9820
what do we want checked?
thyroid, endocrine disfunctions
feel connected with others
develop therapist relationship
out and about, facebook, blog
change fundamental beliefs
references that i can achieve
what beliefs would be usefule to change
have a strategy for success
use of skills
dao of dao
arguments against internal voice
balance values
get clear of what is most important in life
no internal battles
take a look at our values
increase energy
create healthy nutrition meal plan
get vitamins
what have we eaten well before
what are other eating
carbs and protein
learn how to eat what you eat
how to maximize fuel intake
develop our passion/reason/meaning in my life
what can i get passionate about my life right now
open gmail account
now focusing
post, reply email, phone/text
reply Alex
stream conciousness/improv/eyes closed
writing skills: main idea, supporting
social skills: management prioritizing, empathy
reframe skills practice!
reach out/(self) empathize
connect with others, practice for future relationships, build skills, contribute! never know what the issue is (variety)
to options playlist, connect to self, improve empathy speed skills
daymeal, smoothies, dishes
fuel for life, take pic to share, talk2mom, really talk on phone,
reply tommy, shay
reassurance list
direction before moni
open gmail account
how to remain friendly w/ ex
reply chris, noah
Unsupported > Spend time w/ self and emotions
what done before
what are others doing?
social bookmarking sites
what are common pains?
what is it not? what are the symptoms
if not we cannot rise above our pain/pain threshhold
big writeboard, (new) rapbeats, bounce, night-time walk
share in vulnerables, have a phone a friend
if we don't we will feel neglected, not listened to, i don't want to live an unexamined life
lay down, self massge, yoga, rapbeats with rapping
we do it now all the time just with our eyes closed
Be a Brat > Gratitude Exercise
List what we take for granted
because there isn't even reason to push through the pain if you can't appreciate what you're doing it all for and because feeling ungrateful feels really awful
do a photo set of relative depravation and put to our window
create a gratitude mosaic
share photos with fb friends
Miss out on Money > Post
massage, labor, painting, photography
charlie tuck
music and film
see our reasons for money
1-2 per/month
Mind Maintain
Collect Brainfood
by director
ron howard, wes anderson
set up automatic torrent, rewatch old film, barnesandnoble docs, flixster
by author
by subject
see life list
social work memoir, adventure
by emotion
scroll memoirs, list fav authors, open my account, open barnes
add books that pop up, log while you consume, download versus reserve
blog entry for books to reserve, already enjoyed, what should i read next?
books on tape like speeches
fav movie soundtracks
by artist
kt tunstall
torrent while you consume, go thru playlist
how to eliminate some repeats, streamline our workflow
otherwise the bulk of our actions will be solely on maintnenace, can we rise above?
Repeat Activities! FuckNo!
Physical Maintenance
do laundry
used sheet as lining, stepwash clothes
clean base
clean kitchen
clean out fridge
take out all items by shelf
wipe surfaces
throw away inedible food
clean closet
take out items by section
prep recyclables and community
throw away trash
clean bath
equipment: grime remover, sponge, scrubber, toothbrush. the pack, rags, sweep, pan
Clean & Organize Room
Collect &Eliminate Trash
Set Up Boxes: Trash/Kitchen
Start Tossin'
if i don't make the money chi huong has to pay our cell phone bill
pay rent, shave huevos
online bill pay
bike maintenance
save film from camcorder
open arcsoft, create file
open window mm, add titles, music, create file
file clips in external hard drive
don't want to lose moments of pleasure and pain
clean/organize comp files
delete trash, uninstall programs
create folders, drag files
how to compress files
google winzip
can't find what i'm looking for
back up comp files
otherwise we lose this map and all our hard work
update networth
get returns box
view receipt and record
count our cash
open net worth
Heb Grocery
Prep Out & About
open film
open checklist
See Heb List
Enjoy Transport Timed
Listen Music
daniel ride, massage trade female :), groceries delivered, trailer,
Target Returns
See Checklist
replace with saver's
See checklist
collect next weeks stickers
stretch, strenghthen
Social Maintenance
write sibling email or conference
event gigs research and respond
encourage, inspire others
facebook quotes
send encouraging ecard
Measure Progress
open progress log, compare actual times
if not we are reluctant to continue pressing on
(new) rapbeats, bounce, grooves
browse notes on facebook
create fb event
click create event link
fill in the blanks
google images: helps, sports
otherwise we may be missing out on opportunity for massage trade don't want to feel alone like the time watching engineering student orchestra, besides, it's pleasurable to meet pretty girls
Edit/Upload Photos
b/w, brightness, tint
don't want to lose moments
Hey, I Can Do That
For Photography
explore flickr photos
For Change
ask people are they happy? if so what are they doing?
you seem happy, what did you do?
I don't want to keep going in circles
read stories, see pictures
For Art
go for walk around neighborhood
For Film
For Blogs/Website
Delicious Websites
Make Note of What you Like and Can Do
Start Doing them to Develop Skills
we don not want to go back to slump, ugh! and we will just read as our pleasure activity. we need more dynamic ways to spnd our pleasure time
ask, what are others loving in life?
Transfer Longhand/Google Voice, Composition, and Phone Notes
survey and circle important notes
glance and x out Trash
new blog post
just like losing a beautiful photo that captured a moment in the video of shristi with the rose flowers by salt lick
type only if we are away in field, file in notes vs self text
Line up Ducks and rotate experiences
today in austin, gigs, open up calendar, add to out and about AND home time
chronicle volunteer, MiA, HcO
facebook events:austin volunteer
craigslist /volunteer, volunteermatch
reply temp
if not we feel reluctant to go out and about and take action at home and get tired of our experience
watch film, listen comedy, change it up like varying meal plan, figure out how to auto add google calendar
add more facebook groups/pages, create text lists
Actual Time
open google calendar, review our lessons
read tasks and make our best memory
make positive criticisms or notes of compliment
We will lose important lessons that we learn from, and our memory is shoddy at best
watch film, listen comedy, change it up like varying meal plan, do it as you go
pay rent
bike ride yay!
gift bags
fruit, nut, and sticker, tie
to express love, brighten a day, cultivate happiness
return item
what can I do with money? and how much?
3-5/wk Repeats
reply email/facebook
trash spam, open reply template
don't want friends feel unvalued,feel overwhelmed by inbox, or miss a massage email
spam filter
followup massage
gvoice followup
search massage
find template
Make decisions
decide a goal
do something physical, that's repetitive
immediately wash pot
plastic line cutting board
drain w/ lid instead collander
toast instead grill
eat out
coupon book
post anh's supermanlawn
open mover ad
delete, copy, paste
check out superman lawn
spirit maintain
open motivation options blog, rap, reason tree, Revisit our Reasons/Motipain
see our life list; what life list?
ask what will bring me immediate pain if i do not take action?
if not we will feel weak and uncomfotable when challenge meets us cannot rise above our slump, we always feel better after we do
rap our reasons rap with music, create more raps
create our motivation tapes
first write and revise our blog entries
record on voice recorder
body maintain
1-2/wk Repeats
Body Maintain
shave beard, clip nails
get brain food ready
run hot water
start flossin'
rotting teeth, bad breath, gross out beautiful women that we need love from
floss during the day, double hand floss
use gravity, lay down
Tidy up Apt.
vacuum, organize, sweep
Mind Maintain
Eliminate, Automate
How can I eliminate this repeat?
How can I automate this repeat?
Spirit Maintain
Unloved Unwanted > Affirming
go running
set up acro playtime
sing songs
google lyrics
bbc compliment generator
appreciate past love actions
if not we feel isolated from the public and shopping at central market
open love log
revisit refs4success
blog post
post craigs activity partner, change fb birthday, make relative deprevation list/photos,email lists, fb events, create fun holiday events, find auto compliment generator, make it part of your livelihood
create music video
create video, take out audio, crop
sequence, black and white add effects, snapshot
edit song length, get lyrics, cut song
fades, titles, sounds
cut audio, drag to timeline, drag, mute video
start with narration parody
split the audio as markers on audio/overlay
make wmv file
export video in standard def
organize clips
reflection video
open actual time calendar
write blog, add photos, share facebook
project in future
delete,rotate, crop, b/w
create a rap
open an instrumental that makes you feel
just start stream of conciousness
Acoustic Cover
lyrics, rhythm, breath/accent points
verse picking
notes, rhythm, accent
chorus strumming
chords, rhythm, accent
get chords
listen ytube 4 rhythm
chords, rhthym, accent
performance day, create for someone u love, get appreciated, learn a new voice/guitar skill,
outline pictures
hockney, b/w, negative image, contours
upload fb photos
add captions
Daily Pains
Wast Time > Dayfood
Eat Slow Burning Foods
google slow burning carbs?
whole wheat pasta
whole wheat bread
purchase what we do not yet have
Prep Day/Week Food
prep when we have food prepared
prep carbs: rice&beans, wheat pasta
prep meats: goerge ck, fish, eggs
sauces galore!
Blah Uninspired
Fulfillment creation
otherwise we are unable to push through pain of necessary tasks and lack significance of fun tasks
watch for patterns, close eyes, record approaches that work
Watch Our & OPP Videos
clean base
clean kitchen
clean out fridge
take out all items by shelf
wipe surfaces
throw away inedible food
clean closet
take out items by section
prep recyclables and community
throw away trash
clean bath
equipment: grime remover, sponge, scrubber, toothbrush. the pack, rags, sweep, pan
Clean & Organize Room
Collect &Eliminate Trash
Set Up Boxes: Trash/Kitchen
Start Tossin'
if i don't make the money chi huong has to pay our cell phone bill
maintain loyal friends
budget gifts
consistent action with Monica
resolve bill resentment
reply Alex
ask Luong
google adwords
is $270 worth a try 30 guranteed hits?
how far up the search can i get?
how much am I willing to spend per lead?
prep family trip
connect dad throu hailey
empathize with dad
ask what his feelings and needs are
ask mother and sister above
opportunity to empathize w/ dad when his face don't want to shine
shoot film. teach acro. gifts. fun!
talk about parent fund?
options transportation
ask, make fake renewel form
post facebook rideshare
prepare food habits
connect with parents
what's the worst that can happen he yells on the phone opions: hang up, speak up and stand up for your right to speak out, criticisms: ok we listen to them, make no judgement of self, it's his opionion, it's not fact i want to hear your stories what was it like when you found out mom was pregnant with dung? forgivness is the base why i feel angry what do you fear
pay electricity bill
get health insurance, check out dental
common sports injuries
home rememdies
see dentist
home teeth care
can't do massage, rent rooms, income source?
Not Urgent but Important
3/8 obituary video
write your own
eyes closed, copy template
revamp our diet
get good vitamins
nutritional supplements
research sites
FuckNo! Inconvenience others
we die and need to be buried
we injure and need monetary help
we visit and need a place to stay, a lift
FuckNo! Unclear about People
3/8 down windows mm effects
torrent, cnet, uninstall
cut and past into code
save original code to text
3/8 other DSACT programs
contact suzzane shepard
decide which programs
reply christi email
3/10 yes! collage
open up completed art, videos, blog
how to represent as image/wordle
another bighuge collage w/ google images
qualities: understandable visually
3/26 refs4success video
import r4s images
create r4s videos
search in finished videos
otherwise we project that we are unable to complete big daunting projects
Visualize Relationships
What to become of me and Thuy?
3/29 if life is about moments, what moments do we want to experience?
3/29 add mma to google calendar
see mmafighting calendar
3/30 Iron on
read package
find our silly photos
download software online
3/30 Update Massage site
appointments only?
4/04 tony robbins copy
check out state of flow book
new apartment, new roommates?
beliefs video
see gvoice notes
see mvideo bdown
what we want love connection
revisit clarify relationships post
what are others doing
what we've done in past
buy king spa gcards for hailey
call king spa for offers
check out king spa online
option how I would get cards to hailey
have them mail to her
have ken pick them up
print homeless resource cards
create massge, potluck, and interview invites
open new fb event
upload a photo
decide on a date
write a description: who what when where why how
3/14 ken liscence
call cali dpot
google renew cali license
followup with ken
what is your current liscent number
acro oops document
purchase wondermats
acro for events and parties
nature trip w/ monica
see steven's blog
update music playlist for moni
create 2 new acro reoutines
Actions by Pain
Lack of Progress
see progress log
see how close we are
minigoal what remains to be done
quantify goal
options: volunteer video 1/30
Blah, Uninspirng
Lack Confidence
Revamp Beliefs
Action Log
create perfect service vacation
what have others done
what have we done in the past
what qualities perfect service vacation
3/12 bittersweet video
collect film, convert wmv
insert sd card
open wmm add files
preview files in vplayer
see tribute video
Edit Massage Barter Ad
copy sf ad
Chat on FB
hook a massage trade
add for nice cooked meal
message some facebook friends
make our affirmations art
manage our needs
manage our communication
Overwhelmed > break down tasks/minigoal
if not I feel it's too much to accomplish, all we do is repeats and read and repeat patterns, and the pleasure of accomplishing a challenging task
grooves instrumentals, timed
close eyes watch for patterns, just start and see what comes up
what have others done, what have we done in the past
I could have done more > Grow
Ashleigh and Brianne are hurting
Vatos in Pain
attend facebook
send a hello
what happens if they are needy?
Jenny, Ken, Cameron, Shin, Tommy
gift bday
Eyes Sore
listen tapes
lev 1 decisions
Pain (Avoiding)
Find a new roommate
option let daniel go
Loss of Hard Work
reline our repeat tasks
networth update or lose money
post massage table/chair
options elec bill
Missed Opportunities to Contribute
TX School For Blind
Fill out application
By Location
check out soical cycling wall
Level One Tasks
browse experience
relive all our past experiences and ones we wish
revisit my little dick blog, reserve love travel memoir
elementary school for shows
check thislittlelight
transfer notes
find way from phone to computer
burn discs to external
copy mindmpa completes over to ref's for success
life lessons from death
edwin muir
how to public search calendars
kenny florian life
einstein wife charo story
massage school garland
bruce buffer
research radiology, real estate broker
look up stories of handicapp, blindness, and other challenges
research ut 's battered women's group
wireless internet spots in austin to do film work
GOOGLE team spokeiz, groundhog city, PA, groove shark, homeade cat treats, real estate agent and apartment finder
Eyes Closed
massage, machine
sing, dance, stretch
practice decision making
Love Our Life
Love Our Place
Love Who We Are...
i pass out gift bags to strangers
dress uniquely
print screen's on tee's
well read
option why do we want
start reading
check out at library
got skills
see love our acts
can paint, play guitar, sing
can play vball, fball, bball
Strong, Persevearing
personally abundant
get std test
don't want to pass it on to a good girl
well traveled/experienced
ran 20 miles, 3 hours straight
40 mile bike ride with weng
fall in love in a foreign country
see Ref's 4 Success
fly the model plane, up and over 6'4" black guy
practice lift off, turning, landing, research advice for first time flyers
set a time/place, invite friends
to create confidence add to yes! i did that
consistently motivated
to have our physical and emotional base needs met
emotional needs
to feel desirable/loved/affection
go running, buy nice clothes
love others and by doing so, we love ourselves
create something pleasurable for others
purchase something pleasurable for others
attend children's events
to feel understood, listened to
find that special, optimistic, positive friend
call ut counseling line
touch needs
hook a massage trade
decide ladies
big kelly meetin
qualities: self aware confident
what's worked in the past?
pass out our card
say yes to lady who calls
post ad for massage trade
give out free hugs
decide huggable costume
saver's, target
qualities: promotes laughter
set date/time
hug brian once a day
pay for a massage
hold a baby, kiddoes,
to develop a low-maintenance meal plan
basic physical needs
to live with a sense of purpose/passion
option our reason
what are others doing
try pavlina's cry test
what have we done in the past?
visit blog
what needs must our purpose meet?
what is our desired outcome?
answer purpose project questions
decide what we care about
what do others care about?
what have we cared about in the past?
having fun experiencing new experiences
domestic violence
listening to music
creating films
capturing life, recording, saving for the future
what do you read about?
memoirs, experiences
ufc, self help
gain more experience
what's god got to do with it?
why do we even need a reason?
look through our reasons post
what do these reasons have in common?
Volunteer our time
search for opportunities
otherwise massage and maintenance life is just for me, no meaning
responsible to slump
define challenge
visit slump blogpost
prevent motivation mistakes
prep unique challenges
personal injury
inability to income
loss of loved one
prep everyday mental responses
list stressors
list normal responses
list sustitute responses
create self motivation video
decide approach
organize unfiled video to hippie minority
see repeat video
confident in our ability to get things done
develop references for success
bike to dallas
plan trip
We have a lot more repeat activities for our google calendar
walk on hot coals
climb el capitan!
add connected internet twice
what references 4 success in regards to helping chiuldren
feel confident consistently
believe that i am intelligent
i can see patterns
pretty good at foresight
learn chinese
check out chinese tapes
check out online resources
to posess strong body and mind
Our body feels moderately strong
We have yet to go into a deep deep depression recovery period is not that bad!
find gym nearby
if not we feel like we do when we see shaaw and chinh and ryan wu seem to have things together while we struggle, success. don't care about their material success, but i do need to feel confident in my path and in my intelligence.
make action easier
eyes closed
categorize actions
see funfillment
add smileys to all our mindmap
set our outcome
creat strong reasons when the going gets tough
set questions to redirect focus
how can i use this?
what is good abotu this?
have an excuse to be doing that anyway
example, i was out and about anyway
add another mirror
set your pace, envision long term
change beliefs about taking action
current beliefs
understand and be aware underlying limiting beliefs
get medical check on chronic exhaustion
pictures of motivatoin from underprovided
consistently grateful
deprevation project
challenging life memoirs
third world
social issues
eyes wide shut
managing our depression
manage our chemistry
st. john's wort
get prozac prescription
call map for doc appnt
512-978-9500 9820
what do we want checked?
thyroid, endocrine disfunctions
feel connected with others
develop therapist relationship
out and about, facebook, blog
change fundamental beliefs
references that i can achieve
what beliefs would be usefule to change
have a strategy for success
use of skills
dao of dao
arguments against internal voice
balance values
get clear of what is most important in life
no internal battles
take a look at our values
increase energy
create healthy nutrition meal plan
get vitamins
what have we eaten well before
what are other eating
carbs and protein
learn how to eat what you eat
how to maximize fuel intake
develop our passion/reason/meaning in my life
what can i get passionate about my life right now
options skin cancer checkup
free hospital checkup
Love Our Environment
get inspired
visit opp places
google inspiring places
what have done in past?
decorated shristi and our massage room
start creating
print pictures for frame
select photos
options place to put clothes for clients
prayer flags
pinwheels, cranes at door
fold cranes
replace the blue ones
purchase/find glass vase and rocks
love log prints
save to sd card
transport to walgreens
motivation meal plan to mirror
choose ones that work best
option where to write it
add reasons on our tree
two tone walls
colored sheets at saver's
wall paper
look up color ideas
picket fence
decide post june lodging
base change decision questions
how have we decided in past
what qualities of bas chagnge we want?
space for your paintings in my massage studio
find artists looking for venue
to have our own apartment living with travel buddy
We have a very cute, centrally located apartment with electricity, water, wifi, and two roommates fronting the bill
to have option of living totally mobile lifestyle
take care of traffic tickets
can't drive and hang out with cousins
a beautiful living environment with nice and positive roommates that share our values (communication) decorated very nice and looking thrift store stylish
Love Our Approach
what's worked for others
check out motivation blogs, zenhabits
what skills/approaches do we currently have developed?
option/qualities, minigoaling, gratitude, fulfillment creation
how can incorportatequalities of activity we love to work
what has not worked in the past?
what's worked in the past?
We have a nice working steady approach with film, audio, books, slow but steady
review our life and look for experiences
if not our past experience was for nothing, to not learn from our past is so wasteful
open up motivation meal plan
develop a weekly google calendar that continues to grow
"create a day we love"
continue to add to tendencies
plan a + b for when challenges arise
ask how others create a day they love
Love Our Acts
Learn new skills
mcee, comedy
look up toastmaster meets
practice singing
watch other mcee's on youtube for ideas
kids entertainer
facepainting, clown
learn how to make bubbles
watch other entertainers for ideas
google facepainting how to and supplies
speak and motivate on stage
sign up with toastmasters
acertain wednesdays 6-7pm gba
watch speakers for inspiration
learn street drum
watch youtube for ideas
acquire a 5-gallon bucket
practice w/ music/film
play bass in a band
acquire a bass from target
practice w/ music/film
search for opportunities online
service industry
youtube how to bartend
practice moves
memorize recipes
deal blackjack
visit sunshine garden
hair/makeup design
get supplies from saver's
youtube tips and lessons
find a guinea pig
create a rap video
watch youtube for ideas
make shot list
edit: see repeats
dlownload photoshop
collect materials: canvas, frames, paint
decide what art you want to do
options: word art, transparency trace,
decide whom for
Do Dangerous Things
Tag/Graffitti a building
decide what to tag
practice tagging
decide which building
sky dive
save $250
transport to san marcos
reserve time/date
run w/ a group on arizona highway
monday night militia ride
purchase road bike from walmart
install bike hooks indoors
train our lungs
sail the ocean blue, chase some storms,
dive off the deep end
experience the high of a fight walking on a wire, rock climbing
Do New Things
Bike Trip in Utah or other State
Kayak, Travelocity Fares
google bike routes
how equipment list
make equipment list
see bike trip post
Experiences in Foreign Lands
get a shave by blind guy in India
how will i beat traffic?
what will i need to pack?
how will i physicall endure?
how do i increase chances of undetect?
what happens if i get caught?
be on a reality tv show
make it on amazing race
to travel abroad
get passport
save money
plan and go!
meet new people
what kind of people do you want to meet
collect worldly experiences for blog
attend baptist church
how to add spontaneity to our lives
Eat at New Places
get a coupon book from the bank
organize tasks by emotion, difficulty
current belief this is boring?
print social cycling, austin involved, 24hourmassge stickers paint by numbers, other online purchases
what kind of cameras do you have?
what kind of mount mics do you have?
Aquire lots of work experience
edit assignment work resume and application
list experience, skills, remember our experiences.
because we don't want to do a seperate application everytime we apply
reapply to temp agency
collect phone number and addresses
am i still in your system?
print out resume
edit resume
define what we are looking for
to define our passion
Watch the greatest love films of all time
what low focus activity can we do that will not interrupt move focus?
decide other ways to watch greatest love films
which films do we have already and have seen in the past?
open flixster, type romance
open barnesnoble, type romance
experience the passion of the french
help austin hispanic kids
ineuality disadvantaged
create the perfect contribution for me
find our top 3 volunteer opp's as references
open volunteer match
what have we done before
what have others done?
how can we contribute with our passions?
what are our skills and boundaries
what others doing, what we've done in the past?
what's the necessary base to contribute consistently?
what are our passions?
Go on passion dates
try out new activities
facebook activies
line up ducks
assist my parents in some way
create an orphanage program
google steps
option why we want
develop skills
child development/interaction
develop orphan knowledge
read orphan memoirs
producer skills
worked w/ social service agengy
what use are you if you don't have the necessary skills?
create action/adventure camp for kids
because i was our dream while working in an army hospital boiler room trailer
copy notes from colorado springs
use our muscles! to help!
where to volunteer for food and affection?
food pantry? chuck e cheese?
walnut creek elementary food events
start video production/photo service for causes
create business cards
work on website/facebook page
get copy of after effects
come up with repeat template for intervies
test new microphone
can we convert audio recorded from phone?
what formate is it?
does it pick up with microphone?
copy The Cipher Project
team up with other film makers
create blog post of things we like in docs we watch.
Rise Above Poverty
create success skills program for homeless
copy notes from colorado springs
what's worked for us in past
because it would be a waste of our homeless experience
give out free hugs
decide huggable costume
saver's, target
qualities: promotes laughter
set date/time
homeless blanket project
email, invite friends
create facebook event
prep avoid pain
Rise Above Self
create success skills blog
why we want
develop skills
create gratitude/fulfillment writing
target audience
what are others doing and what skills comprise?
post to facebook zenhabits
gain more experience
Develop Self
GOOGLE social work cirriculum
edit volunteer resume and application
create our vital volunteer skills
fill in the blanks
because we don't want to do a seperate application everytime we apply
One Brick FB for Austin
email one brick san fran
draft inquiry
how to best share other's events
groups of 20
what are our reasons? when the going gets tough
there is a need
people want to contribute
i want to use other's needs to be consistently motivated
decide how to market page
how others
how in past
options: craigslist
create new gmail account
decide fb name
options: studfinder, twentypelicans, whatever available
qualities: easy to remember, has something to do with volunteer events, has to be believable name
decide password
same as email
learn how to most effective influence
create new facebook fan page
what is our outcome? audience? how we benefit?
visit austin involved
kindness cam
hot girl is the host
once a month big event
find peer admin's
ask LT peer admin
draft inquiry
contact other atx volunteers groups for mashing up
contact sf boss about new potential collegue
create craigsad
copy past sf one brick
copy and paste tennis ad
copy past reply template
close eyes create
Line up Ducks and rotate experiences
ut vol, chron, facebook events, MiA, CL, Vmatch HcO, today in austin, gigs
open up calendar, add to out and about AND home time
watch film, listen comedy, change it up like varying meal plan
if not we feel reluctant to go out and about and take action at home and get tired of our experience
Project Brianne 0/15
Skills to develop
public speaking
when is toastmasters?
tues at mccombs
how are others?
read bio's of great leaders
what's our experiences
what do we want to learn?
what do we admire in other communicators?
comical, humble, thoughtful, poetic
Beliefs to develop
that we can
that what we don't know we can learn
that with a strong enough why we can forgo any how
What exactly do we want?
what are others doing?
Tony Robbins Personal Coach
Bono and Toms Shoes clothing lines
why is the money significant? - how does money equate to love and connection? we can donate to the ma nga fund. - watch youtube video of new techniques. 877 straight to voicemail options what we'd do with 10,000? seriously - tuck charlie our vision and bleviefs, is that wow, i amay be in love once again. take our time to get to know.
Option Projects
took lots of austin photos on flickr
create fun pictures of dao
download most famous pictures
cut out head from berkeley photo
add caption
relative deprevation
a photo set of how others are worse of than us
a photoblog entry of google images of others are worse of than us
start flowing
list images to google
interior design/crafts
past experience
remodeled shristi's room
our tree of life, origami cranes, and prayer flags
add projects from passions blog entry
gifts to give
framed picture
mason jar of origami
origami box of origami
home decor
purchase at 99 cent store/ yard sale
mason jar of teas
notes of appreciation
nice journal
see 30 frugal gifts
curtain massage room right
collect those rods
create curtain sleeves
find studs to drill
web design
past experience
this little light, daubrey, lettucebe
alongthedao, myspace, facebook
create facebook for nonprofits
followup current volunteer groups
create a facebook for our video service
decide on a name
decide what will set us apart?
that we are crazy and will do anything for hte shot
see other facebooks for ideas
search video/photo service pages
create school of mao
loves projects
Amazing Race parody
download soundtrack
shot of us looking at camera
create top bball plays w/ nba clips
create video, see top 10 nba samples
black and white, crop (at the end of cut), add effects, fades, add titles, add audio
make documentaries
capmetro bus drivers
austin involved, see film projects list
the wendy's guy
gain experience
made vsa officers and bike videos
create volle film for scott, chris, and christine
open aiptek software, add clips
options, style, choose soundtrack
watch some for ideas
options ways to work with quicktime files w/o double conversion
what are others doing?
undercover passing
how will we capture video/audio? (ask questions)
purchase camera (collect tools)
create film about us biking and camping
volunteer experiences
check out other videos
animal sheleter one
create repeat shot lists
what's the purpose of clips?
whose our target audience?
get equipment
night light
music videos
rap music video
write rap
perform rap
decide shots
child abuse mv
biggest loser superman
of us struggling through the funk and finding our reasons once again
mma to comforts song
decide what it's about
options: knockouts, talkers who get knocked out
collect clips of talkers getting beat
watch mma youtube for ideas
see mv repeats
current skills
We are able to put music to video
to get lost in the act of creating
recapture those glory vsa video hours
decide for whom we create
set a due date
write inspires songs
past experience
see our playable songlist
bee's & mary's wedding
put together 3-4 songs for benefit concert at UTD, have that list of songs I can sing and play
write lyrics
choose song to cover
play bass lines
collect list of bass lines we'd like to groove to
past experience
see our playable songlist
practice on brian's guitar
create electronic music
how to mix rock melodies w/ beats
record covers
decide recording software for pc
write love song for tommy
write lyrics
practice chords
choose song to cover
love song for sis
Write a Rap Song
write a book that helps/inspires others
ask ryan what it's like to write a book
use our 8 things about me as reference
open motivation when slump
elaborate the entries w/ personal stories
schedule time to make it happen, what's it about? create funfillment
would be a waste if not share our experiences
decide approach: memoir/self help?
12 things I love about my sisters
copy template 12 secrets
copy steve pavlina's diet experiment entry
google stevepavlina veagan
edit our blog post
copy paste to alongthedao
how to make what i eat interesting
We are able to connect with others through writing
Perform music and really connect w/ others
Be in the zone as an event photojournalist
Perform a choreographed dance routine
past experience
acted in shigh school musical
stand up at bad dog
play a character
get costume at saver's
youtube for character behavoirs
make list of character's we'd like to play
decide how to characterize everyday
according to saver's costumes?
charade parties
attainable characters
To perform a father/son scene on stage
create craigsad for swing
copy activ partner
include swing at fed
get facebook
text funny
listen relaxs, chill, slow groove
share dreams
gvoice lookup
check loan add us as friend, where she is attending
edit fb friendlist, update
3/23 parody tony robbins speech
practice rhthm, accents
video photo business
see some examples: redeye photo
change fb quote
event LYL
update invite cycles list
write description
get involved!
Documentary Service
camera options
what's our networth?
deposit bank
qualities: compatible with hplap, saves in wmv file,
chris iphone?
Reasons. To be happy. Practice Mic. Watch film inspire.. List skills
Get photoshop if necessary
get editing down to a science <3 hrs per event
lens, light, editing, mic options
make bzns cards
computer options
continue laptop
LYL full video
watch the ciperh for ideas
write monolugue
create events
get equipment
look out for supplies at saver's
set a time and date
find austin sports weeklies
how are others finding these events?
what have we done in the past?
create volleyball, pingpong, running text lists
find atx groups
create friend request template
please reply or text name number
create lists
Love Our People
participate in loving relationships
define what this means? how regular? how intimate?
develop communication skills
make talking fulfilling and natural
understanding underlying fears
Did good to make ammends with tommy and salvaged a friendship
management, prioritizing, organizational
to refrain from refraining
chat online
learn to appreciate social time
remember the "I Never" Dinner
we have many experiences with loving women, men, family, and children
We have beautiful memories made with so many people
we have our friendship with Scott
with relatives
facebook cousin messages
make list of questions
email em bi
search jesse facebook message
establish mentor friend
participate in relationship with child
develop skills
interacting w/ children
understanding children's needs
games children play
how to talk to children
consistent presence
develop parenting experience w/ cat
what are we doing consistently?
spending time vicariously w/ children
google big brothers/sisters
how are others doing it?
family relationships
which children are already in our lives?
lani, diego, pablo, tikka, mollie
put up photos of people to focus on our wall
find that balance of helping others and being fed by that act
how others done it
habitat for humanity
empty bowls, pro clown
cut hair
how we've done in the past
playing dodgeball w/ kids
which ways do we enjoy interacting with others
having great conversations
through an enjoyable activity
which activities feed us, nourish our needs
what are our needs
just spend time with friends
create text groups
create email invites
find jessica from eldercare
find out next orientation
facebook group
get references sheet
create a validation meal plan
what's working physical meal plan
review texts
massage trade for video services
Dev friendship with physically unattractive girl
spend time with her
. Check out meetin..
check out facebook...
to experience unified purpose
gain experience
edit film with ly
google online video collaboration
Fall in real love: ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't live without each other love.
Love Our Friends
assist anh in recovery
gift cash account
get photography jobs in austin
rent car
load money in card
get card number and load locale
place to park van
birthday gift elizabeth volhealth
resolve conflicts
to have reconciled w/ dad
write him a letter
unsend another letter
seek first to understand
ask direct or indirect questions
read books and memoirs
have a conversation
develop skills
eye contact, empathy
follow up
w/ kj, quyen, thuan
Love Our Livelihood
have passive weekly, monthly income that allows us to explore our work passions
to start an online retail business
relief dog walker, babysitter
start a videography/photography business
decide web presence
what we do right with massage
video for kids events
what equipment will we need?
google equipment list
desktop, editing software, good camcorder shop
web development, content
revisit reasons
Photography Service
facebook wedding500
create craigslist ad
decide what they get for $500
what camera do you use?
what do i get for $500
can i get a better deal if i want less?
Get gig taking photos/videos and free passes to theatre/events
be second shooter at weddings
make business cards
look for design we already have
search for spare cards at home
update blog
option photo sharing online/watermark
practice prints
print out some shots
go and order
make sev. bzns cards massage, onebrick, photo
create income from our passions
what are our passions?
create website
follow 24hr template
if not we will feel that reluctance every time we massage and we die a small death, it's okay as a stepping stone but it cannot be our legacy
to have saved $5000
cut down our expenses
get map to pay our electricity and other expenses
ways to make more side income
Earn $1,500 cash in one month
reapply to temp agency
collect phone number and addresses
am i still in your system?
print out resume
edit resume
define what we are looking for
receive unemployment
renew driver's liscense
option renewal
pain prep renewal
apply for foodstamps
Contact your local Texas Health and Human Services Center (HHSC)
to find out what documents you may need to bring
create resume for event gigs
machine businesses
options dubbing
options vhs transfer
massge van with goods for sale
GOOGLE contract/freelance work
get credit card through wachovia
build massage business
* add outcall to sites and ads that's free
followup clients through email
edit followup email
check out google listing services
repost backpage ad, how to get free ads on craigslist
chair massages for events like bridesmaid parties!
create massage video and photos, add voice intro
massage trade
open massage trade blogpost
add trade for gift cards, bike, passport services, grocery shopping, personal assistant
invite clients to activities
options events sharing
the pain of not ale to repay chi huong for ridding our debt
followup asian massage guy
get his number
decide what to say
decide what we want
someone to refer curtis and rick to
a cut from his earnings
foresee obstacles
send him text
decide what are fun ways to earn income
what are others doing
bank account referrels
what have we done in the past?
temp agencies, craigs gigs
what are empowering beliefs about money?
money is an amplifier
qualities:new experience, meets a basic need,
Learning Opportunities
comitt or wast time
ask for help/teamwork
now focusing
post, reply email, phone/text
reply Alex
stream conciousness/improv/eyes closed
writing skills: main idea, supporting
social skills: management prioritizing, empathy
reframe skills practice!
reach out/(self) empathize
connect with others, practice for future relationships, build skills, contribute! never know what the issue is (variety)
to options playlist, connect to self, improve empathy speed skills
daymeal, smoothies, dishes
fuel for life, take pic to share, talk2mom, really talk on phone,
reply tommy, shay
reassurance list
direction before moni
open gmail account
how to remain friendly w/ ex
reply chris, noah
Unsupported > Spend time w/ self and emotions
what done before
what are others doing?
social bookmarking sites
what are common pains?
what is it not? what are the symptoms
if not we cannot rise above our pain/pain threshhold
big writeboard, (new) rapbeats, bounce, night-time walk
share in vulnerables, have a phone a friend
if we don't we will feel neglected, not listened to, i don't want to live an unexamined life
lay down, self massge, yoga, rapbeats with rapping
we do it now all the time just with our eyes closed
Be a Brat > Gratitude Exercise
List what we take for granted
because there isn't even reason to push through the pain if you can't appreciate what you're doing it all for and because feeling ungrateful feels really awful
do a photo set of relative depravation and put to our window
create a gratitude mosaic
share photos with fb friends
Miss out on Money > Post
massage, labor, painting, photography
charlie tuck
music and film
see our reasons for money
1-2 per/month
Mind Maintain
Collect Brainfood
by director
ron howard, wes anderson
set up automatic torrent, rewatch old film, barnesandnoble docs, flixster
by author
by subject
see life list
social work memoir, adventure
by emotion
scroll memoirs, list fav authors, open my account, open barnes
add books that pop up, log while you consume, download versus reserve
blog entry for books to reserve, already enjoyed, what should i read next?
books on tape like speeches
fav movie soundtracks
by artist
kt tunstall
torrent while you consume, go thru playlist
how to eliminate some repeats, streamline our workflow
otherwise the bulk of our actions will be solely on maintnenace, can we rise above?
Repeat Activities! FuckNo!
Physical Maintenance
do laundry
used sheet as lining, stepwash clothes
clean base
clean kitchen
clean out fridge
take out all items by shelf
wipe surfaces
throw away inedible food
clean closet
take out items by section
prep recyclables and community
throw away trash
clean bath
equipment: grime remover, sponge, scrubber, toothbrush. the pack, rags, sweep, pan
Clean & Organize Room
Collect &Eliminate Trash
Set Up Boxes: Trash/Kitchen
Start Tossin'
if i don't make the money chi huong has to pay our cell phone bill
pay rent, shave huevos
online bill pay
bike maintenance
save film from camcorder
open arcsoft, create file
open window mm, add titles, music, create file
file clips in external hard drive
don't want to lose moments of pleasure and pain
clean/organize comp files
delete trash, uninstall programs
create folders, drag files
how to compress files
google winzip
can't find what i'm looking for
back up comp files
otherwise we lose this map and all our hard work
update networth
get returns box
view receipt and record
count our cash
open net worth
Heb Grocery
Prep Out & About
open film
open checklist
See Heb List
Enjoy Transport Timed
Listen Music
daniel ride, massage trade female :), groceries delivered, trailer,
Target Returns
See Checklist
replace with saver's
See checklist
collect next weeks stickers
stretch, strenghthen
Social Maintenance
write sibling email or conference
event gigs research and respond
encourage, inspire others
facebook quotes
send encouraging ecard
Measure Progress
open progress log, compare actual times
if not we are reluctant to continue pressing on
(new) rapbeats, bounce, grooves
browse notes on facebook
create fb event
click create event link
fill in the blanks
google images: helps, sports
otherwise we may be missing out on opportunity for massage trade don't want to feel alone like the time watching engineering student orchestra, besides, it's pleasurable to meet pretty girls
Edit/Upload Photos
b/w, brightness, tint
don't want to lose moments
Hey, I Can Do That
For Photography
explore flickr photos
For Change
ask people are they happy? if so what are they doing?
you seem happy, what did you do?
I don't want to keep going in circles
read stories, see pictures
For Art
go for walk around neighborhood
For Film
For Blogs/Website
Delicious Websites
Make Note of What you Like and Can Do
Start Doing them to Develop Skills
we don not want to go back to slump, ugh! and we will just read as our pleasure activity. we need more dynamic ways to spnd our pleasure time
ask, what are others loving in life?
Transfer Longhand/Google Voice, Composition, and Phone Notes
survey and circle important notes
glance and x out Trash
new blog post
just like losing a beautiful photo that captured a moment in the video of shristi with the rose flowers by salt lick
type only if we are away in field, file in notes vs self text
Line up Ducks and rotate experiences
today in austin, gigs, open up calendar, add to out and about AND home time
chronicle volunteer, MiA, HcO
facebook events:austin volunteer
craigslist /volunteer, volunteermatch
reply temp
if not we feel reluctant to go out and about and take action at home and get tired of our experience
watch film, listen comedy, change it up like varying meal plan, figure out how to auto add google calendar
add more facebook groups/pages, create text lists
Actual Time
open google calendar, review our lessons
read tasks and make our best memory
make positive criticisms or notes of compliment
We will lose important lessons that we learn from, and our memory is shoddy at best
watch film, listen comedy, change it up like varying meal plan, do it as you go
pay rent
bike ride yay!
gift bags
fruit, nut, and sticker, tie
to express love, brighten a day, cultivate happiness
return item
what can I do with money? and how much?
3-5/wk Repeats
reply email/facebook
trash spam, open reply template
don't want friends feel unvalued,feel overwhelmed by inbox, or miss a massage email
spam filter
followup massage
gvoice followup
search massage
find template
Make decisions
decide a goal
do something physical, that's repetitive
immediately wash pot
plastic line cutting board
drain w/ lid instead collander
toast instead grill
eat out
coupon book
post anh's supermanlawn
open mover ad
delete, copy, paste
check out superman lawn
spirit maintain
open motivation options blog, rap, reason tree, Revisit our Reasons/Motipain
see our life list; what life list?
ask what will bring me immediate pain if i do not take action?
if not we will feel weak and uncomfotable when challenge meets us cannot rise above our slump, we always feel better after we do
rap our reasons rap with music, create more raps
create our motivation tapes
first write and revise our blog entries
record on voice recorder
body maintain
1-2/wk Repeats
Body Maintain
shave beard, clip nails
get brain food ready
run hot water
start flossin'
rotting teeth, bad breath, gross out beautiful women that we need love from
floss during the day, double hand floss
use gravity, lay down
Tidy up Apt.
vacuum, organize, sweep
Mind Maintain
Eliminate, Automate
How can I eliminate this repeat?
How can I automate this repeat?
Spirit Maintain
Unloved Unwanted > Affirming
go running
set up acro playtime
sing songs
google lyrics
bbc compliment generator
appreciate past love actions
if not we feel isolated from the public and shopping at central market
open love log
revisit refs4success
blog post
post craigs activity partner, change fb birthday, make relative deprevation list/photos,email lists, fb events, create fun holiday events, find auto compliment generator, make it part of your livelihood
create music video
create video, take out audio, crop
sequence, black and white add effects, snapshot
edit song length, get lyrics, cut song
fades, titles, sounds
cut audio, drag to timeline, drag, mute video
start with narration parody
split the audio as markers on audio/overlay
make wmv file
export video in standard def
organize clips
reflection video
open actual time calendar
write blog, add photos, share facebook
project in future
delete,rotate, crop, b/w
create a rap
open an instrumental that makes you feel
just start stream of conciousness
Acoustic Cover
lyrics, rhythm, breath/accent points
verse picking
notes, rhythm, accent
chorus strumming
chords, rhythm, accent
get chords
listen ytube 4 rhythm
chords, rhthym, accent
performance day, create for someone u love, get appreciated, learn a new voice/guitar skill,
outline pictures
hockney, b/w, negative image, contours
upload fb photos
add captions
Daily Pains
Wast Time > Dayfood
Eat Slow Burning Foods
google slow burning carbs?
whole wheat pasta
whole wheat bread
purchase what we do not yet have
Prep Day/Week Food
prep when we have food prepared
prep carbs: rice&beans, wheat pasta
prep meats: goerge ck, fish, eggs
sauces galore!
Blah Uninspired
Fulfillment creation
otherwise we are unable to push through pain of necessary tasks and lack significance of fun tasks
watch for patterns, close eyes, record approaches that work
Watch Our & OPP Videos
clean base
clean kitchen
clean out fridge
take out all items by shelf
wipe surfaces
throw away inedible food
clean closet
take out items by section
prep recyclables and community
throw away trash
clean bath
equipment: grime remover, sponge, scrubber, toothbrush. the pack, rags, sweep, pan
Clean & Organize Room
Collect &Eliminate Trash
Set Up Boxes: Trash/Kitchen
Start Tossin'
if i don't make the money chi huong has to pay our cell phone bill
maintain loyal friends
budget gifts
consistent action with Monica
resolve bill resentment
reply Alex
ask Luong
google adwords
is $270 worth a try 30 guranteed hits?
how far up the search can i get?
how much am I willing to spend per lead?
prep family trip
connect dad throu hailey
empathize with dad
ask what his feelings and needs are
ask mother and sister above
opportunity to empathize w/ dad when his face don't want to shine
shoot film. teach acro. gifts. fun!
talk about parent fund?
options transportation
ask, make fake renewel form
post facebook rideshare
prepare food habits
connect with parents
what's the worst that can happen he yells on the phone opions: hang up, speak up and stand up for your right to speak out, criticisms: ok we listen to them, make no judgement of self, it's his opionion, it's not fact i want to hear your stories what was it like when you found out mom was pregnant with dung? forgivness is the base why i feel angry what do you fear
pay electricity bill
get health insurance, check out dental
common sports injuries
home rememdies
see dentist
home teeth care
can't do massage, rent rooms, income source?
Not Urgent but Important
3/8 obituary video
write your own
eyes closed, copy template
revamp our diet
get good vitamins
nutritional supplements
research sites
FuckNo! Inconvenience others
we die and need to be buried
we injure and need monetary help
we visit and need a place to stay, a lift
FuckNo! Unclear about People
3/8 down windows mm effects
torrent, cnet, uninstall
cut and past into code
save original code to text
3/8 other DSACT programs
contact suzzane shepard
decide which programs
reply christi email
3/10 yes! collage
open up completed art, videos, blog
how to represent as image/wordle
another bighuge collage w/ google images
qualities: understandable visually
3/26 refs4success video
import r4s images
create r4s videos
search in finished videos
otherwise we project that we are unable to complete big daunting projects
Visualize Relationships
What to become of me and Thuy?
3/29 if life is about moments, what moments do we want to experience?
3/29 add mma to google calendar
see mmafighting calendar
3/30 Iron on
read package
find our silly photos
download software online
3/30 Update Massage site
appointments only?
4/04 tony robbins copy
check out state of flow book
new apartment, new roommates?
beliefs video
see gvoice notes
see mvideo bdown
what we want love connection
revisit clarify relationships post
what are others doing
what we've done in past
buy king spa gcards for hailey
call king spa for offers
check out king spa online
option how I would get cards to hailey
have them mail to her
have ken pick them up
print homeless resource cards
create massge, potluck, and interview invites
open new fb event
upload a photo
decide on a date
write a description: who what when where why how
3/14 ken liscence
call cali dpot
google renew cali license
followup with ken
what is your current liscent number
acro oops document
purchase wondermats
acro for events and parties
nature trip w/ monica
see steven's blog
update music playlist for moni
create 2 new acro reoutines
how to remain friendly w/ ex
free hospital checkup
options skin cancer checkup
free hospital checkup
options skin cancer checkup
free hospital checkup
reply chris, noah
Love Our Environment
get inspired
visit opp places
google inspiring places
what have done in past?
decorated shristi and our massage room
start creating
print pictures for frame
select photos
options place to put clothes for clients
prayer flags
pinwheels, cranes at door
fold cranes
replace the blue ones
purchase/find glass vase and rocks
love log prints
save to sd card
transport to walgreens
motivation meal plan to mirror
choose ones that work best
option where to write it
add reasons on our tree
two tone walls
colored sheets at saver's
wall paper
look up color ideas
picket fence
decide post june lodging
base change decision questions
how have we decided in past
what qualities of bas chagnge we want?
space for your paintings in my massage studio
find artists looking for venue
to have our own apartment living with travel buddy
We have a very cute, centrally located apartment with electricity, water, wifi, and two roommates fronting the bill
to have option of living totally mobile lifestyle
take care of traffic tickets
can't drive and hang out with cousins
a beautiful living environment with nice and positive roommates that share our values (communication) decorated very nice and looking thrift store stylish
Unsupported > Spend time w/ self and emotions
what done before
what are others doing?
social bookmarking sites
what are common pains?
what is it not? what are the symptoms
if not we cannot rise above our pain/pain threshhold
big writeboard, (new) rapbeats, bounce, night-time walk
share in vulnerables, have a phone a friend
if we don't we will feel neglected, not listened to, i don't want to live an unexamined life
lay down, self massge, yoga, rapbeats with rapping
we do it now all the time just with our eyes closed
Be a Brat > Gratitude Exercise
List what we take for granted
because there isn't even reason to push through the pain if you can't appreciate what you're doing it all for and because feeling ungrateful feels really awful
do a photo set of relative depravation and put to our window
create a gratitude mosaic
share photos with fb friends
Miss out on Money > Post
massage, labor, painting, photography
charlie tuck
music and film
see our reasons for money
1-2 per/month
Mind Maintain
Collect Brainfood
by director
ron howard, wes anderson
set up automatic torrent, rewatch old film, barnesandnoble docs, flixster
by author
by subject
see life list
social work memoir, adventure
by emotion
scroll memoirs, list fav authors, open my account, open barnes
add books that pop up, log while you consume, download versus reserve
blog entry for books to reserve, already enjoyed, what should i read next?
books on tape like speeches
fav movie soundtracks
by artist
kt tunstall
torrent while you consume, go thru playlist
how to eliminate some repeats, streamline our workflow
otherwise the bulk of our actions will be solely on maintnenace, can we rise above?
Repeat Activities! FuckNo!
Physical Maintenance
do laundry
used sheet as lining, stepwash clothes
clean base
clean kitchen
clean out fridge
take out all items by shelf
wipe surfaces
throw away inedible food
clean closet
take out items by section
prep recyclables and community
throw away trash
clean bath
equipment: grime remover, sponge, scrubber, toothbrush. the pack, rags, sweep, pan
Clean & Organize Room
Collect &Eliminate Trash
Set Up Boxes: Trash/Kitchen
Start Tossin'
if i don't make the money chi huong has to pay our cell phone bill
pay rent, shave huevos
online bill pay
bike maintenance
save film from camcorder
open arcsoft, create file
open window mm, add titles, music, create file
file clips in external hard drive
don't want to lose moments of pleasure and pain
clean/organize comp files
delete trash, uninstall programs
create folders, drag files
how to compress files
google winzip
can't find what i'm looking for
back up comp files
otherwise we lose this map and all our hard work
update networth
get returns box
view receipt and record
count our cash
open net worth
Heb Grocery
Prep Out & About
open film
open checklist
See Heb List
Enjoy Transport Timed
Listen Music
daniel ride, massage trade female :), groceries delivered, trailer,
Target Returns
See Checklist
replace with saver's
See checklist
collect next weeks stickers
stretch, strenghthen
Social Maintenance
write sibling email or conference
event gigs research and respond
encourage, inspire others
facebook quotes
send encouraging ecard
Measure Progress
open progress log, compare actual times
if not we are reluctant to continue pressing on
(new) rapbeats, bounce, grooves
browse notes on facebook
create fb event
click create event link
fill in the blanks
google images: helps, sports
otherwise we may be missing out on opportunity for massage trade don't want to feel alone like the time watching engineering student orchestra, besides, it's pleasurable to meet pretty girls
Edit/Upload Photos
b/w, brightness, tint
don't want to lose moments
Hey, I Can Do That
For Photography
explore flickr photos
For Change
ask people are they happy? if so what are they doing?
you seem happy, what did you do?
I don't want to keep going in circles
read stories, see pictures
For Art
go for walk around neighborhood
For Film
For Blogs/Website
Delicious Websites
Make Note of What you Like and Can Do
Start Doing them to Develop Skills
we don not want to go back to slump, ugh! and we will just read as our pleasure activity. we need more dynamic ways to spnd our pleasure time
ask, what are others loving in life?
Transfer Longhand/Google Voice, Composition, and Phone Notes
survey and circle important notes
glance and x out Trash
new blog post
just like losing a beautiful photo that captured a moment in the video of shristi with the rose flowers by salt lick
type only if we are away in field, file in notes vs self text
Line up Ducks and rotate experiences
today in austin, gigs, open up calendar, add to out and about AND home time
chronicle volunteer, MiA, HcO
facebook events:austin volunteer
craigslist /volunteer, volunteermatch
reply temp
if not we feel reluctant to go out and about and take action at home and get tired of our experience
watch film, listen comedy, change it up like varying meal plan, figure out how to auto add google calendar
add more facebook groups/pages, create text lists
Actual Time
open google calendar, review our lessons
read tasks and make our best memory
make positive criticisms or notes of compliment
We will lose important lessons that we learn from, and our memory is shoddy at best
watch film, listen comedy, change it up like varying meal plan, do it as you go
pay rent
bike ride yay!
gift bags
fruit, nut, and sticker, tie
to express love, brighten a day, cultivate happiness
return item
what can I do with money? and how much?
3-5/wk Repeats
reply email/facebook
trash spam, open reply template
don't want friends feel unvalued,feel overwhelmed by inbox, or miss a massage email
spam filter
followup massage
gvoice followup
search massage
find template
Make decisions
decide a goal
do something physical, that's repetitive
immediately wash pot
plastic line cutting board
drain w/ lid instead collander
toast instead grill
eat out
coupon book
post anh's supermanlawn
open mover ad
delete, copy, paste
check out superman lawn
spirit maintain
open motivation options blog, rap, reason tree, Revisit our Reasons/Motipain
see our life list; what life list?
ask what will bring me immediate pain if i do not take action?
if not we will feel weak and uncomfotable when challenge meets us cannot rise above our slump, we always feel better after we do
rap our reasons rap with music, create more raps
create our motivation tapes
first write and revise our blog entries
record on voice recorder
body maintain
1-2/wk Repeats
Body Maintain
shave beard, clip nails
get brain food ready
run hot water
start flossin'
rotting teeth, bad breath, gross out beautiful women that we need love from
floss during the day, double hand floss
use gravity, lay down
Tidy up Apt.
vacuum, organize, sweep
Mind Maintain
Eliminate, Automate
How can I eliminate this repeat?
How can I automate this repeat?
Spirit Maintain
Unloved Unwanted > Affirming
go running
set up acro playtime
sing songs
google lyrics
bbc compliment generator
appreciate past love actions
if not we feel isolated from the public and shopping at central market
open love log
revisit refs4success
blog post
post craigs activity partner, change fb birthday, make relative deprevation list/photos,email lists, fb events, create fun holiday events, find auto compliment generator, make it part of your livelihood
create music video
create video, take out audio, crop
sequence, black and white add effects, snapshot
edit song length, get lyrics, cut song
fades, titles, sounds
cut audio, drag to timeline, drag, mute video
start with narration parody
split the audio as markers on audio/overlay
make wmv file
export video in standard def
organize clips
reflection video
open actual time calendar
write blog, add photos, share facebook
project in future
delete,rotate, crop, b/w
create a rap
open an instrumental that makes you feel
just start stream of conciousness
Acoustic Cover
lyrics, rhythm, breath/accent points
verse picking
notes, rhythm, accent
chorus strumming
chords, rhythm, accent
get chords
listen ytube 4 rhythm
chords, rhthym, accent
performance day, create for someone u love, get appreciated, learn a new voice/guitar skill,
outline pictures
hockney, b/w, negative image, contours
upload fb photos
add captions
Daily Pains
Wast Time > Dayfood
Eat Slow Burning Foods
google slow burning carbs?
whole wheat pasta
whole wheat bread
purchase what we do not yet have
Prep Day/Week Food
prep when we have food prepared
prep carbs: rice&beans, wheat pasta
prep meats: goerge ck, fish, eggs
sauces galore!
Blah Uninspired
Fulfillment creation
otherwise we are unable to push through pain of necessary tasks and lack significance of fun tasks
watch for patterns, close eyes, record approaches that work
Watch Our & OPP Videos
clean base
clean kitchen
clean out fridge
take out all items by shelf
wipe surfaces
throw away inedible food
clean closet
take out items by section
prep recyclables and community
throw away trash
clean bath
equipment: grime remover, sponge, scrubber, toothbrush. the pack, rags, sweep, pan
Clean & Organize Room
Collect &Eliminate Trash
Set Up Boxes: Trash/Kitchen
Start Tossin'
if i don't make the money chi huong has to pay our cell phone bill
maintain loyal friends
budget gifts
consistent action with Monica
resolve bill resentment
reply Alex
ask Luong
google adwords
is $270 worth a try 30 guranteed hits?
how far up the search can i get?
how much am I willing to spend per lead?
prep family trip
connect dad throu hailey
empathize with dad
ask what his feelings and needs are
ask mother and sister above
opportunity to empathize w/ dad when his face don't want to shine
shoot film. teach acro. gifts. fun!
talk about parent fund?
options transportation
ask, make fake renewel form
post facebook rideshare
prepare food habits
connect with parents
what's the worst that can happen he yells on the phone opions: hang up, speak up and stand up for your right to speak out, criticisms: ok we listen to them, make no judgement of self, it's his opionion, it's not fact i want to hear your stories what was it like when you found out mom was pregnant with dung? forgivness is the base why i feel angry what do you fear
pay electricity bill
get health insurance, check out dental
common sports injuries
home rememdies
see dentist
home teeth care
can't do massage, rent rooms, income source?
Not Urgent but Important
3/8 obituary video
write your own
eyes closed, copy template
revamp our diet
get good vitamins
nutritional supplements
research sites
FuckNo! Inconvenience others
we die and need to be buried
we injure and need monetary help
we visit and need a place to stay, a lift
FuckNo! Unclear about People
3/8 down windows mm effects
torrent, cnet, uninstall
cut and past into code
save original code to text
3/8 other DSACT programs
contact suzzane shepard
decide which programs
reply christi email
3/10 yes! collage
open up completed art, videos, blog
how to represent as image/wordle
another bighuge collage w/ google images
qualities: understandable visually
3/26 refs4success video
import r4s images
create r4s videos
search in finished videos
otherwise we project that we are unable to complete big daunting projects
Visualize Relationships
What to become of me and Thuy?
3/29 if life is about moments, what moments do we want to experience?
3/29 add mma to google calendar
see mmafighting calendar
3/30 Iron on
read package
find our silly photos
download software online
3/30 Update Massage site
appointments only?
4/04 tony robbins copy
check out state of flow book
new apartment, new roommates?
beliefs video
see gvoice notes
see mvideo bdown
what we want love connection
revisit clarify relationships post
what are others doing
what we've done in past
buy king spa gcards for hailey
call king spa for offers
check out king spa online
option how I would get cards to hailey
have them mail to her
have ken pick them up
print homeless resource cards
create massge, potluck, and interview invites
open new fb event
upload a photo
decide on a date
write a description: who what when where why how
3/14 ken liscence
call cali dpot
google renew cali license
followup with ken
what is your current liscent number
Love Our Approach
what's worked for others
check out motivation blogs, zenhabits
what skills/approaches do we currently have developed?
option/qualities, minigoaling, gratitude, fulfillment creation
how can incorportatequalities of activity we love to work
what has not worked in the past?
what's worked in the past?
We have a nice working steady approach with film, audio, books, slow but steady
review our life and look for experiences
if not our past experience was for nothing, to not learn from our past is so wasteful
open up motivation meal plan
develop a weekly google calendar that continues to grow
"create a day we love"
continue to add to tendencies
plan a + b for when challenges arise
ask how others create a day they love
acro oops document
purchase wondermats
acro for events and parties
nature trip w/ monica
see steven's blog
update music playlist for moni
create 2 new acro reoutines
Love Our Acts
Learn new skills
mcee, comedy
look up toastmaster meets
practice singing
watch other mcee's on youtube for ideas
kids entertainer
facepainting, clown
learn how to make bubbles
watch other entertainers for ideas
google facepainting how to and supplies
speak and motivate on stage
sign up with toastmasters
acertain wednesdays 6-7pm gba
watch speakers for inspiration
learn street drum
watch youtube for ideas
acquire a 5-gallon bucket
practice w/ music/film
play bass in a band
acquire a bass from target
practice w/ music/film
search for opportunities online
service industry
youtube how to bartend
practice moves
memorize recipes
deal blackjack
visit sunshine garden
hair/makeup design
get supplies from saver's
youtube tips and lessons
find a guinea pig
create a rap video
watch youtube for ideas
make shot list
edit: see repeats
dlownload photoshop
collect materials: canvas, frames, paint
decide what art you want to do
options: word art, transparency trace,
decide whom for
Do Dangerous Things
Tag/Graffitti a building
decide what to tag
practice tagging
decide which building
sky dive
save $250
transport to san marcos
reserve time/date
run w/ a group on arizona highway
monday night militia ride
purchase road bike from walmart
install bike hooks indoors
train our lungs
sail the ocean blue, chase some storms,
dive off the deep end
experience the high of a fight walking on a wire, rock climbing
Do New Things
Bike Trip in Utah or other State
Kayak, Travelocity Fares
google bike routes
how equipment list
make equipment list
see bike trip post
Experiences in Foreign Lands
get a shave by blind guy in India
how will i beat traffic?
what will i need to pack?
how will i physicall endure?
how do i increase chances of undetect?
what happens if i get caught?
be on a reality tv show
make it on amazing race
to travel abroad
get passport
save money
plan and go!
meet new people
what kind of people do you want to meet
collect worldly experiences for blog
attend baptist church
how to add spontaneity to our lives
Eat at New Places
get a coupon book from the bank
organize tasks by emotion, difficulty
current belief this is boring?
print social cycling, austin involved, 24hourmassge stickers paint by numbers, other online purchases
what kind of cameras do you have?
what kind of mount mics do you have?
Aquire lots of work experience
edit assignment work resume and application
list experience, skills, remember our experiences.
because we don't want to do a seperate application everytime we apply
reapply to temp agency
collect phone number and addresses
am i still in your system?
print out resume
edit resume
define what we are looking for
to define our passion
Watch the greatest love films of all time
what low focus activity can we do that will not interrupt move focus?
decide other ways to watch greatest love films
which films do we have already and have seen in the past?
open flixster, type romance
open barnesnoble, type romance
experience the passion of the french
help austin hispanic kids
ineuality disadvantaged
create the perfect contribution for me
find our top 3 volunteer opp's as references
open volunteer match
what have we done before
what have others done?
how can we contribute with our passions?
what are our skills and boundaries
what others doing, what we've done in the past?
what's the necessary base to contribute consistently?
what are our passions?
Go on passion dates
try out new activities
facebook activies
line up ducks
assist my parents in some way
create an orphanage program
google steps
option why we want
develop skills
child development/interaction
develop orphan knowledge
read orphan memoirs
producer skills
worked w/ social service agengy
what use are you if you don't have the necessary skills?
create action/adventure camp for kids
because i was our dream while working in an army hospital boiler room trailer
copy notes from colorado springs
use our muscles! to help!
where to volunteer for food and affection?
food pantry? chuck e cheese?
walnut creek elementary food events
start video production/photo service for causes
create business cards
work on website/facebook page
get copy of after effects
come up with repeat template for intervies
test new microphone
can we convert audio recorded from phone?
what formate is it?
does it pick up with microphone?
copy The Cipher Project
team up with other film makers
create blog post of things we like in docs we watch.
Rise Above Poverty
create success skills program for homeless
copy notes from colorado springs
what's worked for us in past
because it would be a waste of our homeless experience
give out free hugs
decide huggable costume
saver's, target
qualities: promotes laughter
set date/time
homeless blanket project
email, invite friends
create facebook event
prep avoid pain
Rise Above Self
create success skills blog
why we want
develop skills
create gratitude/fulfillment writing
target audience
what are others doing and what skills comprise?
post to facebook zenhabits
gain more experience
Develop Self
GOOGLE social work cirriculum
edit volunteer resume and application
create our vital volunteer skills
fill in the blanks
because we don't want to do a seperate application everytime we apply
One Brick FB for Austin
email one brick san fran
draft inquiry
how to best share other's events
groups of 20
what are our reasons? when the going gets tough
there is a need
people want to contribute
i want to use other's needs to be consistently motivated
decide how to market page
how others
how in past
options: craigslist
create new gmail account
decide fb name
options: studfinder, twentypelicans, whatever available
qualities: easy to remember, has something to do with volunteer events, has to be believable name
decide password
same as email
learn how to most effective influence
create new facebook fan page
what is our outcome? audience? how we benefit?
visit austin involved
kindness cam
hot girl is the host
once a month big event
find peer admin's
ask LT peer admin
draft inquiry
contact other atx volunteers groups for mashing up
contact sf boss about new potential collegue
create craigsad
copy past sf one brick
copy and paste tennis ad
copy past reply template
close eyes create
Line up Ducks and rotate experiences
ut vol, chron, facebook events, MiA, CL, Vmatch HcO, today in austin, gigs
open up calendar, add to out and about AND home time
watch film, listen comedy, change it up like varying meal plan
if not we feel reluctant to go out and about and take action at home and get tired of our experience
Project Brianne 0/15
Skills to develop
public speaking
when is toastmasters?
tues at mccombs
how are others?
read bio's of great leaders
what's our experiences
what do we want to learn?
what do we admire in other communicators?
comical, humble, thoughtful, poetic
Beliefs to develop
that we can
that what we don't know we can learn
that with a strong enough why we can forgo any how
What exactly do we want?
what are others doing?
Tony Robbins Personal Coach
Bono and Toms Shoes clothing lines
why is the money significant? - how does money equate to love and connection? we can donate to the ma nga fund. - watch youtube video of new techniques. 877 straight to voicemail options what we'd do with 10,000? seriously - tuck charlie our vision and bleviefs, is that wow, i amay be in love once again. take our time to get to know.
Option Projects
took lots of austin photos on flickr
create fun pictures of dao
download most famous pictures
cut out head from berkeley photo
add caption
relative deprevation
a photo set of how others are worse of than us
a photoblog entry of google images of others are worse of than us
start flowing
list images to google
interior design/crafts
past experience
remodeled shristi's room
our tree of life, origami cranes, and prayer flags
add projects from passions blog entry
gifts to give
framed picture
mason jar of origami
origami box of origami
home decor
purchase at 99 cent store/ yard sale
mason jar of teas
notes of appreciation
nice journal
see 30 frugal gifts
curtain massage room right
collect those rods
create curtain sleeves
find studs to drill
web design
past experience
this little light, daubrey, lettucebe
alongthedao, myspace, facebook
create facebook for nonprofits
followup current volunteer groups
create a facebook for our video service
decide on a name
decide what will set us apart?
that we are crazy and will do anything for hte shot
see other facebooks for ideas
search video/photo service pages
create school of mao
loves projects
Amazing Race parody
download soundtrack
shot of us looking at camera
create top bball plays w/ nba clips
create video, see top 10 nba samples
black and white, crop (at the end of cut), add effects, fades, add titles, add audio
make documentaries
capmetro bus drivers
austin involved, see film projects list
the wendy's guy
gain experience
made vsa officers and bike videos
create volle film for scott, chris, and christine
open aiptek software, add clips
options, style, choose soundtrack
watch some for ideas
options ways to work with quicktime files w/o double conversion
what are others doing?
undercover passing
how will we capture video/audio? (ask questions)
purchase camera (collect tools)
create film about us biking and camping
volunteer experiences
check out other videos
animal sheleter one
create repeat shot lists
what's the purpose of clips?
whose our target audience?
get equipment
night light
music videos
rap music video
write rap
perform rap
decide shots
child abuse mv
biggest loser superman
of us struggling through the funk and finding our reasons once again
mma to comforts song
decide what it's about
options: knockouts, talkers who get knocked out
collect clips of talkers getting beat
watch mma youtube for ideas
see mv repeats
current skills
We are able to put music to video
to get lost in the act of creating
recapture those glory vsa video hours
decide for whom we create
set a due date
write inspires songs
past experience
see our playable songlist
bee's & mary's wedding
put together 3-4 songs for benefit concert at UTD, have that list of songs I can sing and play
write lyrics
choose song to cover
play bass lines
collect list of bass lines we'd like to groove to
past experience
see our playable songlist
practice on brian's guitar
create electronic music
how to mix rock melodies w/ beats
record covers
decide recording software for pc
write love song for tommy
write lyrics
practice chords
choose song to cover
love song for sis
Write a Rap Song
write a book that helps/inspires others
ask ryan what it's like to write a book
use our 8 things about me as reference
open motivation when slump
elaborate the entries w/ personal stories
schedule time to make it happen, what's it about? create funfillment
would be a waste if not share our experiences
decide approach: memoir/self help?
12 things I love about my sisters
copy template 12 secrets
copy steve pavlina's diet experiment entry
google stevepavlina veagan
edit our blog post
copy paste to alongthedao
how to make what i eat interesting
We are able to connect with others through writing
Perform music and really connect w/ others
Be in the zone as an event photojournalist
Perform a choreographed dance routine
past experience
acted in shigh school musical
stand up at bad dog
play a character
get costume at saver's
youtube for character behavoirs
make list of character's we'd like to play
decide how to characterize everyday
according to saver's costumes?
charade parties
attainable characters
To perform a father/son scene on stage
create craigsad for swing
copy activ partner
include swing at fed
get facebook
text funny
listen relaxs, chill, slow groove
share dreams
gvoice lookup
check loan add us as friend, where she is attending
edit fb friendlist, update
3/23 parody tony robbins speech
practice rhthm, accents
video photo business
see some examples: redeye photo
change fb quote
event LYL
update invite cycles list
write description
get involved!
Documentary Service
camera options
what's our networth?
deposit bank
qualities: compatible with hplap, saves in wmv file,
chris iphone?
Reasons. To be happy. Practice Mic. Watch film inspire.. List skills
Get photoshop if necessary
get editing down to a science <3 hrs per event
lens, light, editing, mic options
make bzns cards
computer options
continue laptop
LYL full video
watch the ciperh for ideas
write monolugue
create events
get equipment
look out for supplies at saver's
set a time and date
find austin sports weeklies
how are others finding these events?
what have we done in the past?
create volleyball, pingpong, running text lists
find atx groups
create friend request template
please reply or text name number
create lists
Love Our People
participate in loving relationships
define what this means? how regular? how intimate?
develop communication skills
make talking fulfilling and natural
understanding underlying fears
Did good to make ammends with tommy and salvaged a friendship
management, prioritizing, organizational
to refrain from refraining
chat online
learn to appreciate social time
remember the "I Never" Dinner
we have many experiences with loving women, men, family, and children
We have beautiful memories made with so many people
we have our friendship with Scott
with relatives
facebook cousin messages
make list of questions
email em bi
search jesse facebook message
establish mentor friend
participate in relationship with child
develop skills
interacting w/ children
understanding children's needs
games children play
how to talk to children
consistent presence
develop parenting experience w/ cat
what are we doing consistently?
spending time vicariously w/ children
google big brothers/sisters
how are others doing it?
family relationships
which children are already in our lives?
lani, diego, pablo, tikka, mollie
put up photos of people to focus on our wall
find that balance of helping others and being fed by that act
how others done it
habitat for humanity
empty bowls, pro clown
cut hair
how we've done in the past
playing dodgeball w/ kids
which ways do we enjoy interacting with others
having great conversations
through an enjoyable activity
which activities feed us, nourish our needs
what are our needs
just spend time with friends
create text groups
create email invites
find jessica from eldercare
find out next orientation
facebook group
get references sheet
create a validation meal plan
what's working physical meal plan
review texts
massage trade for video services
Dev friendship with physically unattractive girl
spend time with her
. Check out meetin..
check out facebook...
to experience unified purpose
gain experience
edit film with ly
google online video collaboration
Fall in real love: ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't live without each other love.
Love Our Friends
assist anh in recovery
gift cash account
get photography jobs in austin
rent car
load money in card
get card number and load locale
place to park van
birthday gift elizabeth volhealth
resolve conflicts
to have reconciled w/ dad
write him a letter
unsend another letter
seek first to understand
ask direct or indirect questions
read books and memoirs
have a conversation
develop skills
eye contact, empathy
follow up
w/ kj, quyen, thuan
Love Our Livelihood
have passive weekly, monthly income that allows us to explore our work passions
to start an online retail business
relief dog walker, babysitter
start a videography/photography business
decide web presence
what we do right with massage
video for kids events
what equipment will we need?
google equipment list
desktop, editing software, good camcorder shop
web development, content
revisit reasons
Photography Service
facebook wedding500
create craigslist ad
decide what they get for $500
what camera do you use?
what do i get for $500
can i get a better deal if i want less?
Get gig taking photos/videos and free passes to theatre/events
be second shooter at weddings
make business cards
look for design we already have
search for spare cards at home
update blog
option photo sharing online/watermark
practice prints
print out some shots
go and order
make sev. bzns cards massage, onebrick, photo
create income from our passions
what are our passions?
create website
follow 24hr template
if not we will feel that reluctance every time we massage and we die a small death, it's okay as a stepping stone but it cannot be our legacy
to have saved $5000
cut down our expenses
get map to pay our electricity and other expenses
ways to make more side income
Earn $1,500 cash in one month
reapply to temp agency
collect phone number and addresses
am i still in your system?
print out resume
edit resume
define what we are looking for
receive unemployment
renew driver's liscense
option renewal
pain prep renewal
apply for foodstamps
Contact your local Texas Health and Human Services Center (HHSC)
to find out what documents you may need to bring
create resume for event gigs
machine businesses
options dubbing
options vhs transfer
massge van with goods for sale
GOOGLE contract/freelance work
get credit card through wachovia
build massage business
* add outcall to sites and ads that's free
followup clients through email
edit followup email
check out google listing services
repost backpage ad, how to get free ads on craigslist
chair massages for events like bridesmaid parties!
create massage video and photos, add voice intro
massage trade
open massage trade blogpost
add trade for gift cards, bike, passport services, grocery shopping, personal assistant
invite clients to activities
options events sharing
the pain of not ale to repay chi huong for ridding our debt
followup asian massage guy
get his number
decide what to say
decide what we want
someone to refer curtis and rick to
a cut from his earnings
foresee obstacles
send him text
decide what are fun ways to earn income
what are others doing
bank account referrels
what have we done in the past?
temp agencies, craigs gigs
what are empowering beliefs about money?
money is an amplifier
qualities:new experience, meets a basic need,
Learning Opportunities
comitt or wast time
ask for help/teamwork