about 2 hours
hi there. please share what's on your mind
about 2 hours
well yeah uhmm do you think I'm a little fucked up that sometimes I'm not 100% ok with my bf's physical appearance? like I really do love him but I still have problems accepting that some aspects of him will never be what I want in a partner
about 2 hours
i'm curious how his appearance makes you feel
about 2 hours
particularly when you're otu with friends
about 2 hours
well he's a little on the shorter side and I have always preferred someone on the taller side
about 2 hours
and sometimes it makes me a little insecure when I'm out with him
about 2 hours
insecure in what way? as in you don't feel he could protect you or insecure like other people are judging you
about 2 hours
I guess people judging us mostly?
about 2 hours
I know that you shouldn't care what other people think
about 2 hours
but I can't help it sometimes
about 2 hours
first, I think it's perfectly okay to feel what you feel. i would say it would be abnormal not to have those feelings
about 2 hours
i hear that you are feeling conflicted
about 2 hours
because you obviously care about him
about 2 hours
otherwise you wouldn't be with him
about 2 hours
oh wow okay because I've been keeping those thoughts to myself for a really long time and I always felt like crap for having them in the first place
about 2 hours
maybe i misjudged. do you love him?
about 2 hours
about 2 hours
great. then i can focus on asking you questions
about 2 hours
about the issue you brought up
about 2 hours
let's do a game of switching shoes
about 2 hours
pretend you are a guy dating an overweight girl
about 2 hours
society says that thin women are desirable and heavy women are not (generally speaking)
about 2 hours
if you saw a thin guy with an overweight girl, what would you think of them?
about 2 hours
well not the be fucked up but my initial thought would be that's kind of odd but I mean love is love if they're happy together then there shouldn't be a problem
about 2 hours
such a great answer!
about 2 hours
here's my thought
about 2 hours
let's say if you saw the two of them, your initial thought might honestly be "oh, that's interesting" or simply "oh"...then when you think a little about it
about 2 hours
you feel happy for them if they're happy
about 2 hours
my point is sometimes we think other people are judging us
about 2 hours
when actually they could be celebrating our love...or just as likely, could care less about you because they have their own life to worry about
about 2 hours
does that make sense?
about 2 hours
Yeah! It actually really does. Thank you for that 

about 2 hours
But do you think it would be smart to bring it up with him tho? Like do you think he deserves the right to know I've been feeling like this?
about 2 hours
or is it just better to keep it to myself to prevent him having any more insecurities and possibly hurting him in the process?
about 2 hours
another great question. first, i imagine that is a challening conversation to bring up for you.
about 2 hours
i'm curious if he's everbrought this topic up with you
about 2 hours
I think he tried to once but I didn't really want to expand on the topic because I know he's also insecure about his height so I didn't want to lower his self esteem even more
about 2 hours
i think that's a good sign
about 2 hours
that he brought it up first
about 2 hours
i can understand why you didn't feel comfortable continuing the conversation because you feared it would "make him feel more insecure"
about 2 hours
in my opinion, the truth is you can't "make anyone" feel anything
about 2 hours
yes, you can help or hurt his self esteem
about 2 hours
but ultimately, it's up to your boyfriend to choose for himself how he feels about his height
about 2 hours
i share this idea because i want you to know that is not your responsibility
about 2 hours
sometimes when someone shares something personal, we feel responsible to make them feel better
about 2 hours
and sometimes we don't want to talk about it because that feeling of responsibility can be too much
about 2 hours
I'm curious, when he initially brought up the topic with you, how did it make you feel?
about 2 hours
Initially, I felt really bad because it's a feature that he can't really change.
about 2 hours
very astute observation. you're right, other than breaking his legs and installing inspector gadget extensions, it's something you both have to accept.
about 2 hours
now when you say "you felt bad"
about 2 hours
what exactly do you mean
about 2 hours
what exactly did you say or not say?
about 2 hours
Like maybe I also felt a little guilty because I've been carrying those same thoughts since we basically started dating but I chose not to say anything and just keep it to myself
about 2 hours
great stuff. thank you for sharing. personally, i think if he feels the same way about you as you do about him. meaning you love him... i think he would really appreciate your honesty
about 2 hours
of course, there's a difference between being honest and being a brute
about 2 hours
the main message you want to convey to him is that you love him
about 2 hours
you asked, "should i bring this up with him"
about 2 hours
at some point, absolutely, in my opinion
about 2 hours
a quality relationship is based on honesty and openness
about 2 hours
you can have a decent relationship keeping this to yourself
about 2 hours
but if you really see a future with him, this conversation needs to happen
about 2 hours
woooooow I wish I can talk to you about all my problems haha you really bring some eye opening insights
about 2 hours
thank you so much
about 2 hours
thank you for the feedback. it makes me feel appreciated
about 2 hours
i'd like to leave with some advice on how you could initiate this conversation
about 2 hours
1) try your best not to worry about his feelings. instead focus on sharing what you're feeling. he's a grown man and will figure out what he's feelings
about 2 hours
2) we have a tendency to worry about how other people will respond. you can't control how he will react. you can only control the words you say and more importantly the intention in which you say it. in this case your intention is...i have something i need to get off my chest and I love you.
about 2 hours
3) yes, bring up your feelings about how his height makes you feel. also share your understanding that ultimately, his height is not something that is a deal breaker for you and share with him at least 3 things that you love about him
about 2 hours
we all need to feel affirmed and worthy of love. again, that's his responsibility, he needs to be able to stand on his own two feet, but you can definitely help. even if you stumble on some words, i think this conversation can bring you two closer. because he will learn that he can trust you
about 2 hours
sorry i need to run, best wishes, friend. i appreciate your honest sharing and my hope is he will too
about 2 hours
thank you so so so much for your help
about 2 hours
I hope you have the best day
about 2 hours

about 2 hours
take care
about 2 hours
Your partner has disconnected.