PainTer Hall -- AusTin, TX
12:45 A.M.
I ought to be sleeping but find it necessary to jot down my thoughts and feelings. Tonight, I had a chance to "jam" with a complete stranger and fellow "blues" musician. I ran into Louis coming from work at Madam Mam's, a Thai outfit on campus. He drove me to the lake, (dude, that sounds both gay and scary) which I felt uneasy about initially but relaxed as time passed and I got to know him a litter better.
Tuns out, he's crunk on the guitar, phenomenal, making me feel a variety of emotions. First, it was beautiful to be by the lake under the willows with the water strumming along softly along with the rhythms of his guitar (i think i fell in love...oh, brother) Listening to Louis makes me think about my goals with music and if I could stick these three months pursuing it. Learning guitar reminds me of the past when I was just beginning to get to know Shristi. It was a cold feet submersion. a kind of "don't look, just jump" approach. In the mornings I play Incubus' "Whatever Tomorrow Brings..." everyday. Yea...*self-nodding
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