
July 13, 2005

Making Music

July 13, 2005 - Thursday

Music In RouTe -- Amarillo, TX Making Music

It's been a good week since I've made an entry. Seems funny how we tend to write when we have something to share. This weekend I spent in Amarillo, TX. A friend of mine got married. It was an overall pleasant experience. In the context of pursuing music, I was asked by the bride to play/perform Elvis Presley's, "Only fools rush in". I gladly agreed and even volunteered a cousin of hers to do it "duet" with me. For you musically illiterate, that does not mean what you think it means.

All it means is that two people get to make music together...I'll stroke my guitar, grunt some lyrics, and she would hit the high notes. Well, from the audience's feedback, I got limited success, but success, nevertheless! I got several compliments from my friends; made me feel good. Some people even laughed at my corney jokes! sweet! I was pretty excited to hear their applause in the beginning when I got on the stage. Kind of encouraging. However, when I finished, I did not recieve the same enthusiastic response. Kind 'of discouraging.

Being the ever-self-critical artist, I kept thinking after the performance that I messed up here and there. I had a good time on stage and so did my "music-mate". She was soooooooo cute. Dang!

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